Battlefield Laser.

Still, a lethal laser that can reach full power in less than a second may cause Northrop Grumman’s stock to rise and the phones to ring off the hooks. “We are ready to deliver on the promise of defense at the speed of light with FIRESTRIKE,” Wildt said.

My brother just emailed me about this neat device. So, not only do we now have pain rays and stun guns, we’ve got a battlefield laser. I wonder if mainstream literati pricks will ever cease their ‘sci-fi nonsense’ cries? Probably not.

6 thoughts on “Battlefield Laser.

  1. "I wonder if mainstream literati pricks will ever cease their 'sci-fi nonsense' cries? Probably not."

    'Course not, its intellectual snobbery. Hence why a book about superheroes can be a literary darling provided it doesn't mention the 'S' word ('Midnights Children'- Salman Rushdie). They need someone to look down on and SF is easy.

    Like your books btw.

  2. I wonder if mainstream literati pricks will ever cease their 'sci-fi nonsense' cries? Probably not.

    maybe if we shoot them with the battlefield laser. admittedly it would sort of cease all of their cries, of sci-fi nonsense and pretty much everything else.

    bad thing? meh.

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