BFPO 2005

Didn’t post a lot on this year – it must have been a busy one, or perhaps the last paragraph explains it:

19th Dec.
On the Edge of the Sand now bears the title Prador Moon (for reasons not entirely clear to me, but then I don’t have to sell the book). Polity Agent is now coming under Peter Lavery’s scary pencil and I’m about 85,000 words into Hilldiggers. The Engineer ReConditioned is up for sale POD and I’ve learnt that the distributor (for next year), Diamond, apparently has 800 pre-orders so that’s looking nice.
I’ll be at Forbidden Planet in London to do a stock signing (for Sable Keech HB and Brassman PB), on Saturday 18th Feb from 1-2pm. If you want a copy signed to you, and are in the vicinity, come on in! I’ll be there from about 12.30 — to begin with probably ensconced in some dusty stock room. I’ve just taken up the offer of broadband from Virgin (same price for a year as 24/7 if you were a 24/7 customer). I’m not sure this is a great idea since I’ve been spending too much time titting around on message boards just lately, rather than getting on with some work. Obviously this means an increase in the speed of that titting around and much else but, as I said on one of those message boards: crap increases to fill the bandwidth available.

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