6 thoughts on “Caroline

  1. Neal. Only saw this when I picked up your book in Waterstones recently and was sad to read the dedication. As Caroline said – never give up the writing. You have a great skill which is cherished by many. All the best Jim.

  2. Just started reading an excerpt , saw this. Have read your blog and it is inspiring, seeing your climb back up. Stay positive

  3. Hi, Neal. Very sorry to hear about the loss of your wife – like Jim above, I only heard when I read the dedication on one of your books. I lost my wife early last year after a long illness, so I may have some idea of what you’re going through, although it’s different for everyone, of course. On a selfish note, I’m glad you’re still hard at work writing your novels, ‘cos I’m a huge fan 🙂

    1. I am deeply saddened to this day remembering the dedication to your wife. I admit I cried reading it. As other readers have stated, you are a true master of writing and I relish your work. I hope by now you have found some bright spots in your journey. I wish you many more bright spots to take you along.

  4. Dear Neal… I came across the dedication in War Factory. I am so sorry for your loss. Coming up on this anniversary I wish you happy memories and the company of good friends.

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