Okay, I’m going to be away for Internet access for a while so in the spirit of hard-headed self-interest I’ll leave this post at the top of the blog.
All three as audio books on Audible.
And don’t forget, all you people who don’t live in Britain, that the Book Depository does free international shipping.
Have you seen anything you haven’t got yet?
The Departure on the Book Depository, Amazon and not yet on Kindle. To be released in September, the first in a series continuing with Zero Point and Jupiter War.
The Parasite on Kindle. This is a 40,000 word novella people so no whinges about how short it is.
Cowl on the Book Depository, Amazon and Kindle
The Engineer ReConditioned on the Book Depository and Amazon
Africa Zero on the Book Depository and Amazon
And finally, for completists, if you want a copy of Runcible Tales, which is a chapbook containing five short stories, head over here to Piper’s Ash (and don’t come back here complaining about the number of pages etc).
I’ll be returning to this blog once the Internet bars open again on Crete. See you all anon.