Hi Neal,
I’ve been an avid reader of SF from a very young age, I can’t really remember what I first read but likely to have been Asimov or A C Clarke. As a kid I spent a lot of time in librarys looking for the yellow Gollancz book spines. From there, moved onto Harry Harrison and very much to Larry Niven’s works.
Fast forwarding into the near past, I had been getting heavily into P F Hamilton and I had got an E Reader and now that physical space was no longer a problem! I started actively trying to fill this up as much as possible so subscribed to several sub-reddits on SF books and looked for recommendations.
Always loving military and epic scale Sci Fi/Space Opera it didn’t take long for your name to show, hence I was introduced to your works via Prador Moon. Well I was hooked from there and have since got every book you’ve done. I’m trying hard, but can’t think of a dud yet, which is pretty impressive. Stand out favourites for me are the Spatterjay and Agent Cormac books. Jain related stories are breathtaking in scope, but take a fair amount of reading to get your head around. Your stories incorporating natural or biological elements make a refreshing change from the norm too.
Oh yes, about me?
Well I spent a shade over 20 years working for the UK’s largest wholesale magazine & news distributer in a variety of roles from part time Packer Driver to SAP Implementation team, then eventually onto ‘Special Projects’. Then I became sentient and, because of a whole lot of various tragic family dramas, I pulled in close with my family and embraced this change in lifestyle whole heartedly (I don’t really do half measures).
Family life, is probably more tiring and hard work than any of the 14 hr shifts I ever did at ‘work’ but ultimately a lot more satisfying. I now spend my days caring for my family, including my disabled wife, autistic daughter, and two traumatised and damaged grandkids. I should throw in the blind cat and half blind dog into the mix too I suppose.
And you know what? I couldn’t be happier. Busier but very fulfilling.
Life sometimes has a way of making you appreciate things in a different way from expected.
Not sure if it’s any good, but it’s what I have!