Who Reads my Books? William Bertram

My name is William Bertram, and I read your books. I read the Agent Cormac series in 2019, and the Transformation series is on my “to-read” list for 2021, including “The Technician.”

I’ve lived most of my life in Wichita, KS, with short stints in San Diego, CA, and Grand Junction, CO. My hobbies include reading, cooking, board games, watching NBA basketball, pet maintenance, and yoga. I have recently started a blog and submitted a short story to a local contest. It’s my first time submitting anything, so wish me luck! I have a son who lives in Montana, and I cohabitate with two maltepoos.

Love your books, and keep up the great work!


One thought on “Who Reads my Books? William Bertram

  1. When living in Trier, Germany, I came across a sci-fi book called Dark Intelligence. Not expecting much when reading the back cover, I was – despite my preconceptions and reservations – completely blown away! 20 pages in and Asher had assumed a center position flanked by Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, Gordon R. Dickson, William Tenn, A. E. Van Vogt and – yes – Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams and Brian Daley. When I moved to London and walked into Waterstone’s near Piccadilly and saw two shelves packed with ASHER, the childhood experience of Christmas resurfaced.

    How Asher’s works maintain structural and logical integrity across timelines and cosmic regions is utterly mindboggling, but even more so is their effortless flow and how a minor detail in one book suddenly becomes a major factor or pivotal point in another. My Asher collection now stacks over a meter tall and is still growing.

    I am Icelandic and my background is in Big/Smart/Open/Linked data applied to retail banking, tourism and economic analysis. Current focus is on deep machine/reinforcement learning aimed at improving retail tourism predictions based on billions of data streams. To unwind, I have a martial arts work-out regime in place (tournament fighter in USA during my college/university years) and electronic music heavily inspired by the classical masters and 80s instrumentalists (Jarre, Moroder, Hammer, Art of Noise, Kraftwerk).

    That said, anyone not familiar with Asher’s universe should start with Dark Intelligence, Line War, Gridlinked, Brass Man or Orbus. These five condition your mind for what comes next.

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